Shaomin Zhang Professor
Dr. Shaomin Zhang received his B.S. and Ph.D in Biomedical Engineering from Zhejiang University in 2002 and 2007. As a Ph.D student in the lab of Prof. Xiaoxiang Zheng, he studied protective effects of Chinese traditional medicine on cerebral ischemia using microdialysis and electrophysiological methods with middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) model rat. He worked as a research assistant to study the effects of functional electrical stimulation (FES) on post-stroke rehabilitation with Prof. Raymond Tong in Hong Kong Polytechnic University from 2004 to 2006. After that, he became interested in Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMIs) and worked on Roborat or Animal-robots. During his postdoc, he found that the decoding performance could be improved by combining of LFP and spike signals or using adaptive neural decoders. He also took part in setting up the first nonhuman primate brain-machine interface Lab in China. From 2012 to 2014, he worked as a visiting scholar in the Brown Institute for Brain Science, Brown University. In the BrainGate research team led by Prof. John Donoghue and Prof. Leigh Hochberg, he mainly focused on analysis the single unit activities and local field potentials from clinical research sessions.